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National Embarrassment Donald Trump Doesn't Think There are Any Muslim Sports Heroes

Donald Trump is an idiot: Vol. Whatever.

So, Donald Trump is a national embarrassment and somehow also a viable candidate for the office of U.S. Presidency. Those two statements would appear to be at odds with one another, but Trump is running for the Republican nomination in the early and performative days of the campaign, which means "national embarrassment" is part of the job description.

Last night, in the wake of yet another mass shooting, President Barack Obama addressed the country, touching on a number of relevant issues. Part of the reason for his address from the Oval Office was to reassure the American public that the U.S. and international forces were doing their utmost to combat terrorism across the globe. Part of it was to once again beg for the simplest and most basic gun control measures. And, incredibly, part of it was to ask the American public, "hey, can you guys try not to be complete assholes to Muslims, please?"


President Obama reminded the country that many of our friends, neighbors, sports heroes, and service-members are in fact muslim. That plea for basic human dignity prompted this tweet, from a presidential candidate. The national embarrassment one with the honey ham head from before.

Obama said in his speech that Muslims are our sports heroes. What sport is he talking about, and who? Is Obama profiling?
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) December 7, 2015

Needless to say, the sports world is chock full of stars who are Muslim because, weirdly enough, this country and the world is wildly diverse! I don't want to turn this post into a written "Hanukkah Song" but, Hakeem Olajuwon, for example, is Muslim. Muhammad Ali, perhaps you've heard of him, is also Muslim. Kareem Abdul Jabbar: also Muslim!

One other thing that all three have in common—with each other, but not with Donald Trump—is that they are not national embarrassments.