Baby Elephant Chases Dog, Is Sports


This story is over 5 years old.


Baby Elephant Chases Dog, Is Sports

A baby elephant does not know that it is too lumbering and goofy to effectively chase a dog. But it does know something valuable about sports.

We don't get to win, and the thing of it--of sports, and of everything else--is figuring out what to do with that, once the world makes you know it. We will win sometimes, lord willing, and that will make you want it, because winning does that. But most of us, most of the time, are in a losing chase. This is not even always on us; there are the systems and structures and inevitabilities, a matrix of heavy and non-negotiable things over and under our world, there is the simple fact that none of us are quite as fast or as strong as we might want to be.

So we lose, and we learn to lose, and we find our victories in that. We do not come up empty, for all this coming up empty. We fill ourselves up, and fill ourselves in. This is how we grow. We become more fully ourselves by losing, and we learn to turn what looks like a loss--chasing what we cannot catch, in bodies not built to win, through a world built not to let us--into something dignified and full of humble and humbled grace. This is what we do, every morning. It's our truest work on Earth, and it is work. To get up knowing what we know, and to pick the chase back up. When sports make us feel something big, it is because we are recognizing this, and catching a redemptive glimpse of ourselves in its mirror.

Which is to say that this baby elephant, while clearly too lumbering and goofy to catch this particular capering dog, is absolutely sports. Sports, and everything else.