
  • Oh, Gorgonzola: You Dirty, Musky Thing, You

    You may have seen this beasty blue on pizza or a cheesesteak, but you probably don't know the ancient tale of how it was accidentally invented by a guy trying to get laid. Are you more spicy or sweet?

  • Sniff at Your Own Risk: Beers That Reek

    Some craft brews treat you kindly, like a overeager gentleman on a first date. But other beers put some stank on the nose and throw your senses into an orgy of odors. These are just some those beers, and they smell to high heaven.

  • Someone Threw a Fermented Fish Bomb at a Swedish Music Festival

    Last week at a music festival in Sweden, attendees were rocked by an IED made from a can of surströmming, or rotten herring. But these cans of fermented fish are already plenty explosive on their own.

  • Taleggio Is the Lindsay Lohan of All Cheeses

    Do you remember the first time you went down on a fine young thing? There was something sweet and yeasty, yet slightly sour, with just a tang of manure? You're thinking of Taleggio. This stuff has made more history than LiLo by the time she turned...

  • Huang's World: Back In Taiwan, Part 3

    Eddie spends an afternoon on Shenkeng Old Street soaking up deep-rooted local traditions. Next, he hits up the Randall Cunningham of stinky tofu restaurants, explores ancient Eastern medicine with cupping therapy, and kicks back with a tea ceremony.

  • Have You Ever Pooped Your Pants?

    Who hasn't pooped their pants or at least squeezed out a shart or two on the long road of life. Pooping yourself is kind of like losing your virginity or going to war, people who haven't done it just can't relate. We asked some New Yorkers about their...

  • Solar-Powered Toilets of the World: A Comprehensive Guide

    Bill Gates just gave a $100,000 cash prize to designers of a toilet that has solar panels that break down poop and pee. In honor of their recent success, we present to you the other solar-powered toilets of the world. In the future, this is where we...

  • Hey Ron! - What Should I Say to My Girl if Her Coochie Stinks?

    Before you go around pointing the finger at people, you need to look in the mirror and get a nostril full of the scents emanating from your own crotch. It may not be good.

  • Sardinian Cheese

    You don't know from cheese until you get on a plane, fly over to Sardinia, and eat this su gallu stuff. So what if it's illegal? Honestly, who the fuck are you, Mr. European-Union-World-Police-Guy, to tell me what I can or can't eat?
