• Matthew Lesko's Life Lessons

    VICE meets Matthew Lesko, the self-proclaimed federal grant researcher and informercial personality who made it big in his "question mark" suit. He has written more than 20 books telling people how to get money from the US government.

  • Have You Watched Our Profiles Series Yet?

    In today's attention-deficit throw-away society, very seldom is there room for the little guy (or gal) to have a chance at saying their piece in the spotlight. Profiles by VICE aims to change...

  • The Guardian Angel of Guatemala

    By day, Dr. Jorge Chiu is a cardiothoracic surgeon. By night, he volunteers as a paramedic to help the violence-ridden streets of Guatemala City. One moment Dr. Chiu will be dealing with a house fire, and the next he'll be treating gunshot wounds.

  • Blind Gunslinger

    At 27, Carey McWilliams became the first totally blind person in the USA to acquire a concealed-carry permit. Despite weapons training during his ROTC years, McWilliams has faced opposition to his right to bear arms from both the media and public...

  • Alexis Neiers on Drugs, Prison, the Bling Ring, and Redemption

    Alexis Neiers, ex–heroin addict and star of cult classic reality show Pretty Wild, has had a pretty crazy life.

  • Teenage tyrefægtere

    Som fire-årig løb Michelito Lagravere rundt i huset med et håndklæde og "fægtede" med hunden. Som 11-årig dræbte han seks tyre på en dag.

  • Teenage Bullfighters

    We went to Merida, on Mexico's Yucatán Peninsula, to meet the world's youngest bullfighter, his parents, and his younger brother, who is also on his way to being the best at an old (and questionable) Mexican tradition.

  • My Homie Sells Homies

    We traveled to New York City's forgotten borough, Staten Island, to find out how a guy named "Sugar Man" created a small vending empire—and subsequently lost it—one quarter at a time.

  • ResERECTION: The Penis Implant

    Penile implants have become a popular treatment option for erectile dysfunction—a health complication that more than 30 million men suffer from in the United States alone. VICE visited Miami, Florida, to speak to one of the leading penis doctors in the...

  • An Inside Look at the Exotic Animal Trade

    Wildlife trafficking is estimated to be a $19 billion per year global business, surpassed only by black-market sales and trafficking of drugs, humans, and firearms.

  • Slut-Shaming Preacher

    Brother Dean Saxton caused outrage after preaching at the University of Arizona holding a sign that read "YOU DESERVE RAPE."

  • Animal Fuckers

    Bestiality is having a weird renaissance in Europe. Perhaps ironically, it kicked off when activists succeeded in banning the practice in places like Germany and Norway.