
  • Why Sports Help

    There is nothing out there on the internet, nothing useful to learn about the Boston bombings, only more of the guilty inertia that leads us to put this shit on in the background in the first place. There’s nothing here for us, at the moment. So I’m...

  • Meet the Satire Called The Mets

    Rooting for the Mets has always been a little difficult, but recently it's become something of a chore.

  • Meet the Satire Called the Mets

    Mets fans are not notably smarter or dumber, more or less entitled, or even sadder than the fans of any other flailing team. But thanks to their owners, the Wilpon family, the team's narrative is less a standard Shitty Owner Ruins Team story and more...

  • I Reported on the Mets and It Killed My Fandom

    For most of my life, I was a Mets fan the way your little sister is a 'Twilight' fan. It was my identity. Then, I reported on the team for a season. And now I see the players I revered are just regular guys with real demanding jobs.
