This story is over 5 years old.


Keeper Pays £50 Fine in Pennies, Is Hero

Revenge is a dish best paid for in pennies.

Swindon Town keeper Lawrence Vigouroux (amazing name, by the way) is no longer a keeper with Swindon Town. Vigouroux was fined £50 for showing up late to training, which he found to be juvenile and insulting. We at VICE Sports sympathize with the man. Either discipline him like a professional, with an official sanction or suspension or something, or send him to HR for a talking-to. Who learns a lesson from £50?


But Vigouroux, like any good keeper would, kept his cool in the face of pressure. He developed a plan. He paid his fine in pennies.

Swindon Town didn't like this further insubordination one bit and shipped him right back from whence he came, a small club named Liverpool. Lesson…learned?

Vigoroux is hardly the first person to retaliate against a perceived injustice with a vicious parcel of coinage. MLB manager Ron Washington once paid a $200 fine in pennies and even shelled out an extra $45 in shipping just to make the point. Reportedly, Washington told MLB head of discipline Bob Watson, "Yes. Bob, I didn't have my checkbook. I wasn't trying to be funny. Now go to the bank and put that in the [change] machine and get your $200."

Still, neither can compare to Roger Herrin, an Illinois businessman who paid a $150,000 insurance settlement in four tons of quarters. Herrin told the AP, "I really wanted to do it in pennies."