This story is over 5 years old.


Ones and Zeros 5/20/11: The Amazing Adventures of Magnet Boy, Godless Dog Walkers

_ Only a few moments to cherish before the end of time. Use them wisely. I've still never been to that place Shake Shack, so I might go there if the line isn't too long._ h3. ONE: Nature pictures that look painted ("National Geographic":http...

Only a few moments left to cherish before the end of time. Use them wisely. I’ve still never been to that place Shake Shack, so I might go there if the line isn’t too long.

ONE: Athiest's offer to take care of Christians' pets when they ascend to heaven on Saturday (Courier Mail)

ZERO: Australian dies in planking fad (CNN)

ONE: Luke Skywalker's bionic hand a reality (Geekologie)

ZERO: Amazon deforestation increases six-fold (Physorg)

ONE: Film version of William Gibson’s Neuromancer finally goes into production (SlashFilm)

ZERO: It will cost 2 trillion to fix the US's infrastructure (Green Biz)

ONE: Nature pictures that look painted (National Geographic)

ZERO: Location still apparently matters in science distribution (Physorg)

ONE: Magnet boy: the Croatian Sensation! (BoingBoing)

Complied by Kurt Poropatich