
Monthly Horoscope: Cancer, June 2022

Welcome to Gemini season, dear Cancer!

The sun in Gemini illuminates a very private sector of your chart, finding you eager to step away from your everyday life and retreat someplace quiet and secluded. Gemini season calls you to reconnect with your inner voice, to rest, relax, and indulge in a healthy escape! Your birthday season is coming up, and before the celebrations begin, find some time to catch up with yourself. This is a powerful moment for spiritual exploration, and you might also share or learn some secrets at this time. 


Conversations begin to move forward as Mercury retrograde ends in Taurus on June 3! You may find yourself exploring new social circles rather than running into friends from the past. However, another retrograde soon begins: Saturn retrograde starts on June 4 in air sign Aquarius, finding you and your partners (in love or business) reconsidering how you handle finances or other shared resources. Details can be explored in depth and powerful conversations take place on June 10 as Mercury in Taurus connects with Pluto in Capricorn.

An unexpected meeting might take place or you could find yourself connecting with a surprising group of people on June 11 as Venus meets Uranus in Taurus. A new cycle begins in your social life: You may be stepping out of your comfort zone and exploring new hobbies, interests, and ideas. Mercury enters Gemini on June 13, and your dreams may be especially active—this might be a great time to keep a dream journal, if you don’t have one already! Mercury in curious Gemini finds you exploring your subconscious, or eager to connect with your spirituality, perhaps feeling called to prayer, meditation, journaling, or otherwise connecting with your inner voice.

The full moon in Sagittarius takes place on June 14, and you may be completing a project or wrapping up a gig. You could be kicking an old habit or reworking your schedule at this time. This full moon asks you to take a look at your work-life balance, to reconsider your routine and how you spend your time and energy. You may be setting important boundaries on June 16 as the sun connects with Saturn in Aquarius. You’re noticing who in your life steps up and takes accountability, and who is irresponsible. As the sun mingles with Saturn, you’re raising your standards concerning who you interact with. Insecurities may be highlighted as the sun squares off with Neptune in Pisces on June 16, and while some misunderstandings or confusion may take place, the sun’s helpful connection with Saturn can help you not only stand your ground, but let things go with ease. 

Your standards continue to be a topic of conversation as Venus squares off with Saturn on June 18: You may be reconsidering your values and expectations. When taskmaster Saturn is involved, the mood isn’t very cozy, but on June 19, Venus mingles with dreamy Neptune, inspiring a more sensitive and flexible atmosphere. A sweet conversation or inspiring social connection can happen, and Mercury connects with Jupiter in Aries on June 20, inspiring optimism and open-mindedness. Communication planet Mercury connects with philosophical Jupiter, making for deep conversation, and some exciting discussions about your career or reputation may take place at this time.

June 21 is busy: Venus connects with Pluto, the sun enters your sign (happy birthday season!), and Venus enters Gemini. Venus’s connection with Pluto can find you and your romantic partners exploring your physical and intellectual connections is a very deep and profound way, and then sun entering your sign may also find you reconnecting with yourself, your goals, and dreams. Cancer season is a period of celebration for you, but as Venus enters Gemini, you might crave a cozy, intimate celebration where you can have quality conversations with friends rather than a big bash where you only have time to briefly chat with each person. Or, you might be in the mood to scrap conversation all together and simply have a big dance party where you can get lost in the music! 

Mars in Aries connects with Saturn on June 27, finding you stepping into an exciting role or taking things further in your career, and Neptune begins its retrograde on June 28, which may find you in an especially introspective, philosophical mood. You could be making an important decision about the direction you want to take your career on June 28 as the sun squares off with Jupiter. You’re in a phenomenal period of growth, especially in your career or concerning your reputation, but with so many new opportunities to choose from, deciding where to focus your energy can be frustrating! Take take your time making these big decisions. A new cycle begins on June 28 with the new moon in your sign, Cancer: You may be reorienting yourself in your relationships as you reconnect with your inner voice and gain a deeper understanding of who you are, and what your needs look like at this point in your life. New introductions can be made, and you may feel inspired to update your look during this new moon as the planet of beauty, Venus, connects with jovial Jupiter. 

Good luck this month, Cancer, and see you in July!