This story is over 5 years old.


Ricky Williams to Open Weed-Friendly Gym in San Francisco Called Power Plant Fitness

Think of all the treadmill TVs playing Spongebob.

"Duuuuude, so, like, working out is awesome, right? And smoking weed is awesome, right? So what if we took those two awesome things… and combined them?" You can imagine how this high-dea came about: pretty easily. Well, when you're stupid rich and have a little bit of name recognition, then high-deas become realities. And such is the case for former Baltimore Ravens running back Ricky Williams' weed-themed gym called Power Plant Fitness set to open in San Francisco, according to Time.


Williams, who failed many, many drug tests throughout his time in the NFL, is opening the venture with his partner Jim McAlpine in the fall. The idea is that you'd go to the gym and smoke, vape, or eat weed—they're also promising a sweet balcony—and then work out. Oh, and McAlpine also says they'll conduct "cannabis performance assessments" to see what method of ingestion works best for their gym members' workouts. Right.

For Williams, the gym is about destigmatizing marijuana usage when it comes to athletics.

"I was a really good football player," Williams told Time, "really good person, my teammates loved me, my coaches loved me, but my career and life were ruined because of a drug test."

McAlpine also organizes the 420 Games, a series of pro-pot athletic events. He emphasized that the gym was more about getting yoked than getting stoned.

"It won't be a place to get high and just screw around," McAlpine wrote in a blog post. "We are focused on the athletic side, not the cannabis side."

Just imagine the treadmills TVs. Less ESPN. More Spongebob.