This story is over 5 years old.


Drake Made a Pensive Art Film to Celebrate His Los Angeles OVO Store

Such art!

Ah Los Angeles, the city of dreams! If you can make it there, you can make it anywhere. At the very least, you can potentially get your name and/or address tattooed on The Game's body. But Drake is making the city of angels into his own private utopia with the opening of his OVO Flagship location, where you can find hats with owls, clothes with owls, and general accessories with owls. Honestly if you live in LA and love owls, this is the best news you've ever heard in your life.


To celebrate this flagship store, Drake has decided to shoot a lo-fi film of himself driving around Los Angeles in a very nice car through winding streets and with ample showings of the Hollywood sign. He's like David Lynch! Maybe one day we'll be treated to a full Drizzy directorial debut in which he plays a Hitch-type character who still somehow gets all the girls, but for now this will have to do. Look at the art! Such art!