This story is over 5 years old.


Kid Hits Home Run Into Windshield as Car Leaves Parking Lot

A youth baseball player hit a home run clear out of the park and into a moving car's windshield.

During a game in the "National Youth Baseball Championships" a youth hit a home run clear out of the park and into the parking lot. He also managed to hit a car as that car was pulling out of a parking spot and leaving. This, I think, would scare the shit out of me if I were the driver.

Assuming the driver is driving safely and looking out of the rear of the car as he or she backs up, there was likely a very loud, very close impact, directly behind them. The driver immediately slams on the brakes, so it almost definitely caught them by surprise. My first thought would be, oh my God I somehow managed to to hit a kid with my car. Eventually my brain would figure out what was going on and I'd realize that it was actually the kid that hit my car. And then I'd get pissed at myself for wasting 30 seconds looking for my stupid keys when they were in my pocket the whole time.

h/t Bob's Blitz