Two Guys Pull off Crazy Moves While Leaping From Pole to Pole


This story is over 5 years old.


Two Guys Pull off Crazy Moves While Leaping From Pole to Pole

Two men practice a Lion Dance, which basically means they lift and throw themselves around a series of tiny platforms atop a set of poles without dying.

These two guys are practicing moves for a Lion Dance, a routine typically performed for the Chinese New Year or other major events, and it's pretty nuts. One guy holds the other guy around the waist and the two dance from tiny elevated platform to tiny elevated platform, pulling off impressive acrobatics above and beyond simply jumping from tiny elevated platform to tiny elevated platform without falling or impaling themselves. There are a lot of lifts and almost some tosses involved and I really can't stress enough that they are doing all of this while jumping from tiny elevated platform to tiny elevated platform.

What? Definitely sports.
