This story is over 5 years old.


Flames' Dennis Wideman Levels Linesman with Hit from Behind

Wideman, who could be facing a lengthy suspension, says the hit was unintentional.

Fair of foul? Either way, Dennis Wideman can expect a call from the league.

In an utterly bizarre play, the Calgary Flames' defenceman took out linesman Don Henderson from behind with a big hit during Wednesday night's game against the Nashville Predators. In certain angles, the hit looked deliberate and malicious, and it sent Henderson crashing to the ground. He was down briefly and appeared shaken up before emerging to his feet.


Wideman says it was unintentional and apologized to Henderson right away. Depending on what angle you view it from, it appears he might have a case.

Alternate angle of Wideman/linesman. — Adam Vingan (@AdamVingan)January 28, 2016

The incident came just a moment after Wideman was leveled with a hard check from Miikka Salomaki, sending his head crashing into the boards.

The 11-year veteran looked a bit woozy getting up, and perhaps was disoriented enough that he wasn't aware of the linesman. He appears to speed up the moment before he makes contact with Henderson, though, making what could have been an accidental hit look callous.

"I was just trying to get off the ice. And, at the last second, I looked up and saw him," Wideman said. "I couldn't avoid it. I didn't know where to go or how to get out of the way of him."

If Wideman was out of it and not thinking clearly following the hit he received, the bigger issue here might be why he wasn't removed from the game and tested under the league's concussion protocol. Wideman remained in the contest, logging 16:32 of ice time in a 2-1 loss.

Maybe he just wasn't paying attention while skating back to the bench and noticed Henderson at the last second, as he claims. We may never know.

Whatever the explanation, you can bet the NHL will be investigating the matter. If the league deems the hit intentional, Wideman is likely facing a lengthy suspension.