This story is over 5 years old.


Cubs Fans Already Tempting Fate with $2,000 World Series Tickets

The cheapest price for Cubs World Series tickets on StubHub is $2,000. For standing room only.

For the optimistic Cubs fan (does that exist?) World Series tickets on StubHub start at $2,000. For standing room only. Wow.
— Wayne Drehs (@espnWD) September 29, 2016

The Chicago Cubs are feeling themselves, and with good reason: they built a 19 game lead over the St. Louis Cardinals, clinched the division, and no matter how the rest of the season shakes out, they will finish with the best record in baseball. But! tickets for the World Series start at two big ones. And you don't even get a seat.

By comparison, tickets for World Series Game 1 at Fenway Park start at $780, tickets for a Game 1 in Cleveland start at $799, and you can get into a Mariners World Series Game (yup, they're not yet eliminated) for $1,500.

Obviously demand is great for such an eventuality; if they do make it that far, the Cubs will have made it to the World Series for the first time since 1945. That is 71 years, or put another way: a really long time ago. For a little bit of historical context, the 1945 season started five days after President Franklin Delano Roosevelt died and was succeeded by Harry Truman, who proceeded to drop atomic bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki later that summer, and finished with the beginnings of the now legendary Curse of the Billy Goat. We're not ones for superstition and curses here at VICE Sports but, man, maybe just pump the breaks for a second all you Cubs fans racing to buy tickets, ya know? At the very least, if you're spending $2,000, make sure you have somewhere to sit down when they break your heart.