Colin Cowherd Talking Concussions Might be the Dumbest Thing You've Ever Heard


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Colin Cowherd Talking Concussions Might be the Dumbest Thing You've Ever Heard

Colin Cowherd manages to find new ways to prove how dumb he is. Today, he did it by talking about concussions.

It's a bold statement to make, that any one specific thing is the dumbest thing you've ever heard, but there's a pretty good chance this actually is the dumbest thing you've ever heard. First, it's Colin Cowherd, so we're already in range, but it's also Colin Cowherd talking about science. So, the chances that this is not the dumbest thing you've ever heard are beginning to approach zero.

Cowherd spoke about concussions on his program and proceeded to hold a five minute Would You Rather discussion. The options: you get your knee blown out, or you get a concussion. This is a post about how stupid Colin Cowherd is, so you know he chose concussion. According to Cowherd, a knee injury means game over but concussions are fine because you can still play with a concussion. You can still get paid. Concussions are overblown because Steve Young and Troy Aikman were "multiple concussion guys" but are still very good analysts.


Cowherd very impressively dismissed science altogether and claimed the fear of CTE is sensationalized by writers because if it was as bad as they say, then every player would have CTE and Colin Cowherd happens to know that is false. Having soundly defeated one argument, Cowherd then begins to defend his own points and finds the perfect ally. Rob Gronkowski.

Cowherd quotes Gronk at length about how he'd rather suffer a concussion than a knee injury because he's not overly worried about memory loss and can't even remember how he got into his hotel room last night anyway. Like, Colin Cowherd read that out loud while defending his position. The headline may be underselling it a bit.

Now, look. Gronk is great. He's a walking, smiling jock strap that chugs beer 24/7. Most things in life would be better had they been done by Gronk. Walking on the moon would be way better if it was Gronk who walked on the moon, for instance. Arguing against doctors about the seriousness of brain injury, however, is not one of those things. The reliance on Gronk quotes begins to make more sense, though, when you hear Cowherd say "the brain is the most complex muscle in the body. There's so much we don't know about the brain…"

So true.

Cowherd goes on to talk about Jim Edmonds, who had knee surgery and told Colin that it changed his life. Which is a fair point, an injured knee does drastically alter the way you live and move around. It is no picnic. But Colin should try to talk to other athletes, just to get a better cross section. Maybe after Gronk and Edmonds, we can hear what injuries Dave Duerson and Junior Seau would prefer.

Perhaps the worst part of this is that Cowherd frames the whole thing as "If I was an athlete," which gives him some cover if anyone calls him on his irresponsible argument that was nationally broadcasted. But there is some truth to what Cowherd says. There really is so much we don't know about the brain and a player like Chris Borland is the exception, not the rule. But that is a reason to study more, and to be cautious, and to understand that just because a knee injury is more tangible, doesn't mean it's more injurious.

h/t Sports Grid