Colt McCoy Replaces Benched Kirk Cousins, Immediately Throws Touchdown


This story is over 5 years old.


Colt McCoy Replaces Benched Kirk Cousins, Immediately Throws Touchdown

The Redskins benched Kirk Cousins for Colt McCoy and the former Longhorn paid immediate dividends with a 70-yard touchdown to Pierre Garcon.

Washington is now on its third quarterback of the season after benching the ineffective and sloppy Kirk Cousins. Colt McCoy came in to start the second half and immediately made a difference (with an assist from some shoddy defense) and got Washington into the end zone with a 70-yard touchdown to Pierre Garcon. It was actually the second play of McCoy's nascent turn as Washington Savior, but it was his first pass attempt since coming in for Cousins and put Washington up 13-10 over the Titans.


Cousins, by the way, was 10 of 16, for 139 with an interception and a fumble in the first half. McCoy's half way there on one throw.