This story is over 5 years old.


​Eli Manning Denies Shouting "Trump!" During Giants Audible (It was Totally "Trump")

Eli Manning wouldn't say what the audible was, but he swears it wasn't "Trump."

Eli Manning plays quarterback for the New York football Giants. Donald Trump is a well-known real-estate giant from New York City who also might be running for president, according to some. It's a relevant and fairly obvious reference, so it makes sense that the Giants would use "Trump!" as a vocal signal when using an audible. Check out this moment from the Giants' game against the Rams in London yesterday.


Sounds like "Hey, Trump-Trump-Trump-Trump!" But Eli denies it:

Eli Manning:"No. No Trump call. No Trump call. We had something very similar, but no -- no. It was not a Trump.So no, no audible this week."
— Pat Leonard (@PLeonardNYDN) October 23, 2016

Disappointing and, frankly, unbelievable. Manning wouldn't say what the "Trump" word really was—it was totally "Trump"—because football teams like having their secrets. Earlier in the campaign season, the Mannings reportedly gave money to Jeb Bush, who is noted for disliking Trump. It seems unlikely that this would disqualify the use of Trump's name in a football play, it's so ubiquitous in pop culture, but it's worth nothing on some level.

Eli's famous brother Peyton Manning was known for shouting out "Omaha!" during audibles. Hardly a controversial word, even if it was code for Warren Buffett. Shouting the name of Trump, well, some people might not like that, hence a quick denial from Eli. Perhaps next time, in order to better disguise the call from the opponent and the media, Eli should change it up again.

They'd never be able to decipher "Bernie Bro! Bernie Bro! Bernie Bro!"—on the field, or at the press conference.