This story is over 5 years old.


Marlins Man and Ball Hawk Zack Hample Argue on Twitter, Everything is Terrible

These two guys deserve each other.

Infamous ball hawk Zack Hample has re-entered the collective minds of sports fans of late, first by pitching a fit after missing some home runs at Yankee Stadium last week, and more recently Sunday night with his antics at the Marlins-Braves game played at Fort Bragg.

The game was essentially a private affair for military personnel and family, requiring a Department of Defense ID to get into the lottery for tickets. Hample went to extraordinary lengths to get into the game—even creating a Tinder profile to try to match with folks who had an extra ticket—and eventually did score entry to the game. He initially was offering $1,000 for a ticket but, ticketholders were prohibited from selling them so, as Hample tells it, a friend of a friend had an extra ticket and was able to give it to him.


Naturally, Hample got a ball at the game, and tweeted about it—two of his favorite things to do—and then he started catching hell for the whole thing. He eventually wrote a whole long apology, which caught the ire of another terrible baseball fan, Marlins Man.

Marlins Man seems harmless, until you read his Twitter feed and see how much he likes to talk about what a good dude he is, and how happy people are to meet the semi-famous guy on TV who wears gaudy orange Marlins gear. Marlins Man was pissed Hample was at the game, and it seems like it's because Marlins Man was not at the game. You see, Marlins Man had been offered tickets, but when he learned it was a military only event, he happily gave up his seat. But it appears not without some saltiness.

He has a Sunday Night Baseball game streak going on, and this ended it. Marlins Man spoke with Hample the week before and says he cautioned Hample not to go. He further claims Hample planned on going and paid for a ticket and is now threatening to expose him for it, which is a real sentence I just wrote.

When I heard the seat I was offered would be given instead to a military person because no civilians, I was happy
— Marlins_Man (@Marlins_Man) July 3, 2016

@mlb & @marlins knew, civilians without Dod ID, or @mlb employees not admitted to game. I respect that. Not all did
— Marlins_Man (@Marlins_Man) July 3, 2016


Tommy, he flat out lied to create facts that never existed and I am EXTREMELY pissed. SPOKE TO HIM MYSELF MONDAY
— Marlins_Man (@Marlins_Man) July 5, 2016

It's a total lie.
— Marlins_Man (@Marlins_Man) July 5, 2016

Chris, he paid. He knew not allowed. He had an angle, and more.
— Marlins_Man (@Marlins_Man) July 5, 2016

Not only did I tell him, he said he knew and he wrote he paid
— Marlins_Man (@Marlins_Man) July 5, 2016

He knew the rules. He intentionally broke them. Told me and I have it in writing and PISSED he LIED in"apology"
— Marlins_Man (@Marlins_Man) July 5, 2016

And here is Hample's muted response:

Interesting that @Marlins_Man complained to me last week about being denied entry to Fort Bragg and now he's bashing ME for being there.
— Zack Hample (@zack_hample) July 5, 2016

Marlins Man also accused Hample's friends and family of abusing him on Twitter, but promised his retribution will be swift and terrifying in a tweet he later deleted.

NOT going to take any more abuse from Hamples relatives and friends to support his LIES. I BLOCK them from MY page and they make new pages.
— Marlins_Man (@Marlins_Man) July 5, 2016

Wait until 6pm. Then u decide with all truthful facts. My Hiroshima will negate his friends Pearl Harbour attacks
— Marlins_Man (@Marlins_Man) July 5, 2016

So, we've got two dudes who are obsessed with their own personal places of semi-notoriety as weird baseball fans getting into a tiff with each other. We've got horrible World War II comparisons. Anyway, I'm really sorry you had to read about these two jackholes. But at least you didn't have to write "Marlins Man" nine times.