This story is over 5 years old.


Reds Fan Runs on Field, Hops Centerfield Wall, and Escapes

A Reds fan successfully ran onto the field in Cincinnati and made it home without getting caught. Then he posted video of it online.

— Ryan Hoffman (@RyanHoffman_14) July 23, 2015

19-year-old Justin Buchanan lost a bet with his friends that required him to run onto the field at The Great American Ballpark in Cincinnati. Now, if there is ever a bet to welsh on, it is the bet that almost certainly guarantees you get arrested and possibly tackled by a professional athlete, but Justin knows what he's doing. "I actually googled on the way to the game, consequences of getting caught," he said.


Hey @reds here's your guy
— Donney-Not Donney (@NDD_ESQUIRE) July 23, 2015

Buchanan filmed himself hopping on to the field and racing to centerfield—he even slowed down enough to say "what's up, big guy?" to Billy Hamilton—and then climbed the wall, disappearing into the stands to the crowd's delight. This was no accident, Buchanan scoped out his best options for a quick getaway and made it all the way back home before anyone knew what happened. Until he posted the video to his Twitter account, which has since been made private.

Buchanan also tweeted leading up to his dash, and he even texted his mom about it, who seems remarkably chill about the whole thing.

"My mom, when I texted her about it, she asked if I was ready to be escorted out of the game," Buchanan said. "And I told her that it'd be fine. She actually told me if I got in trouble, my car money's for bail."

Buchanan hasn't heard anything from the Reds or Police since going public about his exploits, but he did hear from Billy Hamilton out in centerfield. "I told him 'What's up.' What he said back was not the nicest, but I mean, it's all just a joke."

h/t Deadspin