This Is How a Puppy Becomes a Minor League Bat Dog


This story is over 5 years old.


This Is How a Puppy Becomes a Minor League Bat Dog

Rookie is a minor league baseball team's bat dog in training. He's from a long line of bat dogs and he is fucking adorable.

This adorable critter is named Rookie. He is the one-year-old son (I guess? Just roll with it) of Trenton Thunder bat dog Derby and he's learning the family business so he can start retrieving bats with his dad at Thunder games this season. Even before there was Rookie and Derby, there was Chase, the OG bat dog. Chase "was the first dog to fetch bats exclusively for a minor league baseball team" and he did so for the Yankees minor league club for 11 years before he died in 2013. It's sad, but the line of Kings remains intact and the show must go on because Derby will someday meet the same fate. It's the circle of life; so Rookie learns.

He has been training since May and will continue to do so, four days at a time, until he rejoins pops at Trenton's home opener on April 16. Training is exactly what you think it would be: a guy swings a bat, drops it, and runs to an imaginary base. Rookie is then unleashed and sent to retrieve the bat and showered with praise and treats—at least I'm assuming there are treats. I don't want to get sidetracked, here, but there had better be treats involved for this dog, just look at him. He deserves 'em!

"You can see how much he loves that bat. It's his little pacifier now," [dog trainer Shelly] Leibowitz said, watching as Rookie circled the training room with his tail wagging. "This is the day in the life of Rookie, and he's real happy doing it. He's such a sweet dog."

You're goddamned right, Shelly. He is sweet as the day is long and, I swear to God, if he's not getting treats…

[Times of Trenton]