This story is over 5 years old.


TM Hunter's "Villains" is a Ritual in the Beautiful and the Bizarre

The latest video from the Copenhagen-based duo is a meditative bit of magic.

Music videos don't have to be fancy to be effective. Take this latest video from Copenhagen-based duo TM Hunter, for example. The video for "Villains" takes place on a barren beach that's vast and stunning in that isolated, Scandi way. Only a few actors star in the video—but those actors happen to move their bodies in mesmerizing ways and be adorned with eerie yet compellingly magical, tribal makeup. The main thing that happens in this video is a strange and otherworldly ritual on the beach. The actors elegantly contort their bodies to fit the regality of the music; they circle around a body enchanted with gems and bewitched by an unseen power; they disappear into the spellbindingly turquoise water. It's not an overwhelming amount of stuff to set up or film—but it overwhelmingly makes its mark on the viewer anyway.

In case you aren't familiar with TM Hunter, it's the brainchild of Therese and Michael Fischerson—the latter of whom has worked with acts like Cancer, Iceage and Emma Acs. They released their debut EP two years ago and are now working on an upcoming album, set for release early next year. "Villains" as a song fits into TM Hunter's typical music universe—or as they describe it, something "created by the duo's desire to experiment with elements of both ambient, pop, world music, electronica and oriental tones in new ways." It's a rich, ghostly piece punctuated with vast trumpets and floating vocals—and a piece of music as meditative and mesmerizing as the video itself.

Catch the band live in Copenhagen on the 31st October in Dome Of Visions where they will perform the coming album.