This story is over 5 years old.


Scared Bear Runs From Human, Is Sports

A charging bear changed his mind about lunch after a brave man got right in the bear's grill and dared our ursine friend to throw down.

There are theories and legends of what one must do when confronted by a wild bear: play dead, drop to the fetal position, cry like a baby, shit your pants, etc. But really, to avoid being mauled to death by a bear, one must be the bear.

This bear—we shall call him Snuggles—thinks he's about to chow down on some Swedish white meat, charging full speed ahead towards his gourmet lunch, when he is suddenly scared into an abrupt detour by a man with a camera phone. I'm not sure if this man is very smart or very stupid, but Snuggles will never be the same after the man who dared to come at him, bro.