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​Just A Casual Chat With One Of The Greatest Bodyboarders Of All-Time: Ben Player

Sydney-born-and-bred pro bodyboarder, Ben Player, is a three time world champion, a journalist, magazine publisher, TV producer and entrepreneur. It is a skill set that qualifies him to talk about many things.
Image: Chris Rivera

Ben Player is Australia's most successful bodyboarder and one of Australia's leading athletes in the modern era, having taken out three world titles in his career so far. Ben has been a pivotal figure in the sport of bodyboarding, alongside fellow-Aussies such as two-time world champ Damian King, Ryan Hardy, Dave Winchester and international riders Guilherme Tamega and the almighty Mike Stewart (one of bodyboarding's founders).


Bodyboarding is a relatively young sport. The world tour in its first iteration began in 1982, and has since then struggled to gain the commercial successes that surfing received when it rose to prominence. As a result, Ben Player explains that: "Most people think of bodyboarding as being a kiddie-sport, or an entry-level sport to stand up surfing."

"The top-end of bodyboarding is an incredibly dangerous sport, all about the biggest aerials, riding the heaviest waves you can find and surfing the biggest waves you can possibly get down." Check out the video below if you need some convincing.

In addition to his wave-riding prowess, Ben founded Movement magazine back in 2004, where he acted as General Manager, Editor-In-Chief, National Ad Sales Manager, and just about anything else that fell outside of the role of Graphic Design. There's few other sports where the leading figure works equally as hard curating a print-publication as he does bringing home the silverware.

I caught up with him at his home break of Avalon on Sydney's Northern Beaches to get an update of what BP's got in store for the future.

*Vice Sports: You're still living up here in Avalon. What's so magical about the place?*

I love the balance that Avalon offers. It's close enough to the city that you can enjoy its attractions and lifestyle, but it's far enough away that it still feels like it's in nature and removed from the stress associated with a city lifestyle. I also love the fact that there's fun waves around here consistently, which helps, because it's my job to surf.


Catch me up on what's been happening in your world?

Man, I've been busy. I just finished producing a TV Show for Red Bull TV which is named Breaking Bull), am in the final stages of finishing up a full length movie titled 'Far North', and I'm about to re-launch my magazine – Movement Magazine –and am importing and distributing NMD Bodyboards which is the board brand I have been sponsored by for 15 years. Life has been hectic to say the least.

Sticking with the print-medium for 'Movement' in 2016?

Yep, Movement will be re-released in web and print, but the focus is on creating an elite coffee table kind of book, kind of like the last versions of Movement, only bigger. I know people say that print is dead, but I think print is such a beautiful and timeless form of media, and resurrecting the magazine isn't about making money, it's about creating a work of art that we're proud of. For me, it is so important to deliver things that I'm proud of, because after the profits have been spent and all is done and dusted, that is the one thing that will make you smile every time you see it.

Enjoying life off the competitive tour this season?

Yeah it is cool. Different but cool. I haven't really taken the tour seriously since I injured myself while filming Breaking Bull and Far North up in Scotland and Ireland. When I was up there, I tore my spleen and almost died as a result of internal injuries and as a result, I had to take 6 months off surfing and my competitive vibe kind of went into other things. Will get back there one day, maybe when I finish up the movie and magazine.


What's the bodyboard competitive scene up to these days?

The tour is in a super positive position which is exciting. I'm on the Board for the APB tour and there are some big things that are about to happen. It's funny, there's a whole bunch of developments that were in our sights for a long time, and they all seem to be coming to fruition now. Good to see the hard work we all put in finally paying off. The APB (Association of Professional Bodyboarders) just secured a five-year deal with Epicentre.TV, so it's all happening.

What do you say to people that think of bodyboarding as a lesser-sport than surfing?

I probably wouldn't say anything to be honest. They're probably the same type of idiots who don't believe in climate change and don't think there should be same sex marriage in the 21st century. Who cares about talking to those people; they're just narrow minded and not of interest to me.

TAHITI from Ben Player on Vimeo.

Surfing is coming to Tokyo 2020 Olympics. Would you like to see bodyboarding in the mix too?

I would love it to, especially in the wave-pool type environment that Kelly Slater's wave pool offers. I think it would actually be a great fit. Bodyboarding at the upper end is kind of like gymnastics with a lot of aerial acrobatics, so to have it included in the Olympics at a good venue would be incredible. Imagine doing a crazy air in front of hundreds of thousands of people and not only is the move judged, but the technique would be as well.


Scariest experience in the water?

Definitely my stack in Ireland last year when I almost died. That was hectic. Fully thought I was going to die. Weird thing was that I injured myself from doing something I have done a thousand times. Guess that is life though hey?

What basically happened was I did an air and landed on my elbow in the flats, but I didn't know how bad my injury was at the time. I kept trying to soldier on until the injury got so bad that my body started shutting down. Luckily the boys were close by and Pete Conroy – a local paramedic/surfer/legend came down to evaluate my condition and called the Irish Coast Guard chopper straight away to evacuate me to hospital (the injury can be seen in the latter stages of his web show, The Bul)l)

Any waves that continue to scare the shit out of you?

I would actually love to head back to surf the wave from 'The Bull'. I kind of feel like I failed at that mission- and feeling of failure isn't something that I like too much. If I went back, I would have to do it properly though. After the accident I became aware of how unprepared I was for a major injury when I surfed The Bull… So now I think I would be a bit more prepared with emergency evacuation plans and proper water safety.

Who is really pushing bodyboarding at the moment?

I'd say Pierre Louis-Costes, Jared Houston and Tanner McDaniel are pushing performance. All of those guys have incredible acrobatic skills which shows in their air moves. In the heavy stuff, guys like Chris James and Damien Martin are doing some nuts stuff these days. Those guys still amaze me- I don't know how they don't get more hurt than they do. They're nuts.

You've got a lifetime supply of cash but can only choose one destination to live the rest of your life. Where are you headed?

Shit, that is a hard one. Here in Australia there's a lot of variety. I love it here, but then again, Hawaii has more consistent waves, and Indo has that magical vibe. I would escape to Mexico like all the other cashed-up escapees. Nah, I'd probably go for Australia. You just can't beat home.