This is the Best Goalie Dog You Will Ever See


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This is the Best Goalie Dog You Will Ever See

Purin the Super Beagle is the best dog goalie you will ever see.

This is Purin the Super Beagle. We feel pretty confident in saying Purin is the best soccer-playing dog you will ever see in your entire life. Purin—who's name is unsettlingly one letter-removed from the name of a brand of dog food—was last seen around the World Cup, where he was the cutest goal scorer this side of Lionel Messi. (If you're wondering why we didn't go with Zlatan, there, it's because Zlatan is pure sex, and there's nothing cute about that.)

By our count, Purin stopped 30 of 32 shot attempts in this video, which is good for an amazing 94 percent save rate. That rate is even more impressive when you consider that Purin is a dog. Said our own Jorge Arangure, Jr., himself a rabid anti-canite, "goddammit. that dog is so great."
